Dancing Peacock 11 inch Green Shade Pair

SKU VM0482

The peacock pull handles features two peacocks on the either sides with their body flair joining together for a large wing like appearance. The handles are very strong and durable.

Height 11 inch
Width 2 inch
Length 2 inch
Weight .960 Gm
Stock available
Delivery in 3 days.

Customer reviews & ratings

(5.0 out of 5)
Based on 1 reviews
Aruna Vijay
May 26, 2022

Looks great on a dark door.

Let the traditional hardware hold your decor together

Equipment that can be managed by hand such as keys, locks, hooks & hangers, door handlers, bottle openers, knockers and other similar products. 





+91 6385141412 veenamuralidecors2017@gmail.com Socialize Fire or Agni is a Devata and the sun is worshipped as its celestial form since time immemorial. Rig Veda is the oldest text in the world and the mention of Agni is found here too. The Agni Suktam in Rig Veda 1.1 starts with अग्निसुक्तम् - अग्निमीळेपुरोहितंयज्ञस्यदेवमृत्विजम् “Agni as priest, lord, and master of sacrifice, the giver of prosperity and fertility”.
