Height : 11.6 inch
Width : 4 inch
Length : 4 inch
Weight : 660 gm

Copper Bed Side/Office Desk Water Bottle 1.6 Liter

SKU VM0777

Glass Dia - 4 inch

Height 3 inch 

The properties of copper include blood reoxygenation, anemia reduction, weight loss, antimicrobial properties, physical stimulation, thyroid gland regulation, and cancer prevention. Copper vessels provide many benefits when used to store water before consumption.

Cleaning :

Copper oxidation is natural. Keep it clean by using normal liquid or soap regularly. Clean with lemon or tamarind to restore shine.

Note :

We have treated the purity of the metal according to Govt Metal Guidelines for our safety.

  • Height 11.6 inch
  • Width 4 inch
  • Length 4 inch
  • Weight 660 gm
Stock not available .

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+91 6385141412 veenamuralidecors2017@gmail.com Socialize Fire or Agni is a Devata and the sun is worshipped as its celestial form since time immemorial. Rig Veda is the oldest text in the world and the mention of Agni is found here too. The Agni Suktam in Rig Veda 1.1 starts with अग्निसुक्तम् - अग्निमीळेपुरोहितंयज्ञस्यदेवमृत्विजम् “Agni as priest, lord, and master of sacrifice, the giver of prosperity and fertility”.
